150+ Egyptian Cat Names

It’s no secret that cats are adored the world over. But when it comes to cultural reverence for these animals, Egypt takes the top spot. Not only were cats considered sacred in Ancient Egypt, but they feature heavily in religious drawings and works of art.
Dating as far back as 5,000 years ago, cats were known to hunt and kill vermin in Egyptian granaries and homes, earning them respect as special creatures. Further evidence of Egypt’s sacred adoration for cats is demonstrated by the mummified remains of these animals in ancient archeological sites.
The honorific place of felines in Egypt’s history provides a rich resource for cat names. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite Egyptian cat names, along with recommendations for special categories.
Whether you’re after a name that’s royally inclined or one that ascribes to your cat’s color or personality, we’ve got the ultimate list below.
Favorite Egyptian Cat Names
Choosing a favorite Egyptian cat name isn’t easy! With so many meanings out there, the options are endless. Below are the names that stand out for us both in terms of significance and sound.
- Anhur – the god of war. What more is there to say?
- Bastet – an Egyptian goddess of motherhood who takes the form of a cat.
- Cleopatra – a famous Egyptian queen who came to be the model of the romantic femme fatale.
- Geb – the god of the Earth.
- Hathor – the daughter of Ra. Hathor was also the goddess of the sky, women, childbirth, fertility, and love.
- Horus – a sky god and son of Osiris.
- Isis – an important Egyptian goddess of healing and magic. She was also a protector of the dead, and a goddess of good fortune, travel, and the sea.
- Mut – an Egyptian goddess whose name literally means “mother”.
- Nefertum – a god who was originally a lotus blossom.
- Ra – the sun god. Ra was one of the most important gods to the Egyptians, and he was also associated with cats because of their fondness for napping in the sun.
- Ramses – the most celebrated and powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom.
- Sekhmet – an Egyptian goddess of war and healing who appears in the form of a lioness.
- Sphinx – mythological creatures that had the body of a lion and the head of a human. The Great Sphinx of Giza is one of the most famous statues in Egypt and is so iconic that an entire breed of cats has been named after it.
- Thoth – the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon.
Cool Egyptian Cat Names
Some names just sound cool, right? Below are some hip-sounding Egyptian names for your cat (personality depending, of course!)
- Amenhotep – a famous pharaoh of Egypt.
- Aten – a word that means “sun disk”.
- Azizi – a word that means “precious” and rolls well off the tongue.
- Imhotep – a famous ancient Egyptian philosopher.
- Kyky – an Egyptian word for “monkey”; suited to cats of the sneakier type!
- Maimonides – an Egyptian philosopher.
- MerNeith – a famous female Egyptian ruler.
- Miro – a word that means “peace”.
- Omar – a popular name that means “flourishing” or “long lived”.
- Ptahhotep – a famous ancient Egyptian philosopher.
- Sobekneferu – a famous female Egyptian ruler.
- Tahemet – a word that means “wife” or “woman”.
- Tivali – Cleopatra’s favorite cat. The name can also be unisex or gender-neutral.
- Twosret – a famous female Egyptian ruler.
Powerful Egyptian Cat Names
With so many gods and goddesses in ancient Egyptian culture, there is no shortage of names that signify strength and power. The list below also has a good mix of male and female names.
- Ahmenhotet III – an Egyptian ruler who loved cats.
- Aladdin – a famous Egyptian fencing master.
- Anhur – the god of hunting and war.
- Bubastis – an Egyptian city that housed Bastet’s temple.
- Geb – a god of the Earth.
- Herodotus – a Greek historian who wrote about Egypt’s love of cats.
- Maat – a goddess of justice, order, and truth.
- Mafdet – the earliest recorded feline goddess often depicted wearing the skin of a cheetah.
- Mau – a divine cat, now known as a popular Egyptian cat breed.
- Mihos – the lion-headed son of Bastet.
- Pakhet – the lioness goddess of war.
- Pasht – another name for Bastet.
- Ptah – Sekhmet’s husband.
- Ra/Re – the Egyptian Sun god, one of the most revered in Egypt.
- Sobek – a crocodile god.
- Wadjet – a cobra goddess.
Egyptian Names for Black Cats
Egyptian names are particularly well-suited for cats of the black variety. While not all cats with an Egyptian name should be black, the ones below are particularly appropriate for the darker breeds.
- Apep – the Great Serpent, and enemy of the sun god Ra.
- Geb – the god of the earth.
- Keket – a Mythical goddess of darkness.
- Kemet – “the black land”, a name derived from the black soil of the Nile river.
- Kohl – the famous black eyeliner that Egyptians wore around their eyes. Made of powdered minerals, it was used to enhance one’s eyes and provide protection from the sun.
- Nut – a goddess of the sky.
- Onyx – a black gemstone that was revered by the Ancient Egyptians. It’s also a great gender-neutral name!
- Osiris – an Egyptian god (also known as the “Judge of the Dead”). Osiris also means powerful or mighty.
- Seth (Set) – Osiris’ brother and Egyptian god of war, chaos, storms, and pestilence. His name can also be translated as the Instigator of Confusion and Destroyer, which is appropriate for cats with destructive house habits.
Royal Egyptian Cat Names
Egyptian folklore is abundant with stories of pharaohs, gods, and goddesses. If your kitty has a “ruling” personality, a royal name will suit them well.
- Amenhotep – an Egyptian pharaoh.
- Hatshepsut – a female pharaoh, confirmed as the second one in history.
- Menes – an ancient Egyptian pharaoh and founder of the First Dynasty.
- Merneith – a consort and regent of Ancient Egypt who was also likely a ruler.
- Nefertiti – an Egyptian queen and the Great Royal Wife of the pharaoh Akhenaten.
- Pharaoh – an Egyptian word to describe a ruler or king.
- Sobekneferu – a female pharaoh.
- Thutmose – the third pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt.
- Tutankhamun – the famous Egyptian pharaoh known as King Tut. The long and shortened versions work well for cats!
- Twosret – the final pharaoh of the 19th dynasty of Egypt.
Egyptian Cat Names Inspired by Places
Egypt is renowned for its historical landscapes and architecture. What better way to name your kitty than after somewhere famous?
- Abydos – one of the oldest cities of ancient Egypt.
- Alexandria – the second-largest city in Egypt.
- Cairo – the modern-day capital city of Egypt.
- Damietta – a port city and capital of Damietta.
- Gezira – an island in the Nile River, located in central Cairo.
- Giza – an Egyptian city and location of the Great Sphinx of Giza.
- Luxor – a city in southern Egypt.
- Nile – a famous river in Egypt.
- Ramesseum – the memorial temple of the pharaoh Ramesses.
- Rosetta – a port city of the Nile Delta.
- Sinai – a peninsula in Egypt and home of the biblical Mount Sinai.
Male Egyptian Cat Names
Egyptian names don’t have to refer to places or people. If you’re after something for the male cat in your life, below are options that refer to masculine-ish concepts.
- Akil – smart
- Ammon – mystery
- Asim – protector
- Babafemi – beloved of his father
- Badru – born during the full moon
- Bes – brings joy
- Chafulumisa – fast
- Chibale – kinsmen
- Dakarai – happy
- Fadil – generous
- Gahiji – hunter
- Gyasi – wonderful
- Hamadi – praised
- Husani – handsome boy
- Ishaq – laughs
- Jabari – brave
- Kahotep – peaceful
- Khalid – immortal
- Kamuzu – a healer
- Lateef – gentle
- Luzige – locust
- Masud – good fortune
- Masudi – merry
- Mkhai – fighter
- Mshai – a wanderer
- Nkosi – the law
- Nephi – a good son
- Nomti – strong
- Onuris – brings back the distant one
- Quasshie – born on a Sunday
- Rashidi – wise
- Shakir – grateful
- Sadiki – faithful
- Sefu – sword
- Tau – lion
- Thabit – strong
- Umi – life
- Yafeu – bold
- Zahur – a flower
Female Egyptian Cat Names
Last, but not least, if you’re looking for the ideal name for your female cat, below are some of the most fitting for feminine energy.
- Acenath – daughter
- Aisha – peaceful
- Aya – magical angel
- Aziza – precious
- Bahiti – fortune
- Bennu – eagle
- Chione – daughter of the Nile
- Dalila – gentle
- Ebonee – the color black
- Eshe – life
- Feme – love
- Hasina – good
- Heba – generous gift
- Ife – love
- Jomana – noble
- Kakra – a twin
- Kissa – a sister of twins
- Lapis – a beautiful blue gemstone (sometimes known as lapis lazuli)
- Mandisa – sweet
- Monifa – lucky
- Nathifa – pure
- Nenet – divine
- Olabisi – brings joy
- Pili – born second
- Quibilah – peaceful
- Rana – beautiful
- Sarah/Sara – princess
- Safiya – pure
- Shani – wonderful
- Salma – peace
- Tabia – talented
- Theoris – great
- Umayma – little mother
- Walidah – newly born
- Zahra – flower
Choosing an Egyptian Name for Your Cat
Choosing the best name for your cat always comes down to personal choice. But, if you’re after one of the Egyptian types, the lists above can be a useful guide for determining what fits the appearance and personality of your special kitty.
For example, if your cat has a big personality, you could go with something bold or royal. Alternatively, adventurous cats would do well with a name associated with Egyptian places. Or, if your cat stands out because of its mysterious nature, you could go for a black cat name even if its color is of the lighter variety. Whatever you decide, have fun!