Shock Collars for Dogs: Buyer’s Guide

Taking the plunge and purchasing a shock collar for your dog is a big decision. Not only do you have the health and ethical implications to consider, but the best performing devices require a significant financial outlay.
To help you wrap your head around the product, we’ve put together an in-depth dog shock collar buyer’s guide. Here, you’ll learn everything there is to know about the various features, the potential for harm, and how to use one safely and responsibly.
Why You Should Buy a Training Collar for Dogs
As cute and loveable as our canine companions can be, even the most highly domesticated animals tend to misbehave from time to time. Whether it’s going potty on the carpet, playing rough with the kids, or threatening the neighbor’s puppy, our dogs can prove unpredictable at the best of times.
And then, of course, you’ve got the non-stop barking, which some particular breeds (we’re looking at you, poodles) have mastered to an art.
The ideal way to avoid these undesirable behaviors is by training your dog from birth. Using both positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement from a young age will dictate your dog’s behavior in later life, allowing you to enjoy a more harmonious relationship with your pup.
Nevertheless, proper training is easier said than done, especially for time-poor dog owners who have limited time to spend with their canine companions.
While the services of a professional dog trainer are unquestionably effective, their significant expense makes them beyond the average American family’s reach. A dog shock collar offers an affordable and convenient alternative that doesn’t separate you from your beloved pet. So if you’re the proud parent of a persistently problematic pup, then a dog shock collar could be the ultimate solution for you.
The Behavioral Issues a Dog Shock Collar Can Fix
Contrary to common belief, dog shock collars can fix a wide array of behavioral issues—they’re suitable for so much more than barking relief.
Incessant barking is, of course, the most common motivation for purchasing a shock collar for dogs. Even if you’re not too fussed about your fur baby’s “cute” little yaps, your neighbors might hold a different view.
A barking dog is among the most frequent cause of neighborhood disputes. Your dog could be barking away like mad the minute you leave home, disturbing the peace of everyone within earshot (the issue is exacerbated should you live in an apartment block). For all you know, you could be just one noise complaint away from eviction.
However, it’s essential to recognize dogs have a natural tendency to bark. If yours lets loose now and again, there’s no need to take action. But if your dog’s barking makes life miserable for those around you, a training collar is probably a sensible idea.
Aggressive Behavior
No matter how well behaved your pooch is around kids and other canines, there’s always the chance it’ll lose its patience and lash out one day. And should you have a large or aggressive breed like a Rottweiler or American Pit Bull, that momentary lapse of calm could have catastrophic results.
Fitting a shock collar with a remote training function can help you correct aggressive behavior the moment it occurs. Simply hit the button on your handheld remote, and the device will instantly deliver a response to discourage your pet from acting out. The process works wonderfully when your fur baby gets riled up upon meeting a nemesis pooch in the dog park (we’ve all been there).
Many owners of dogs, particularly the more aggressive breeds, strap a shock collar around their pets solely to deter this kind of aggressive behavior. In this situation, the collar would remain inactive 99% of the time.
Unsafe Exploration
If you’re worried about your four-legged companion breaking loose from the backyard and wandering around town, then opt for a different kind of shock collar with an in-built fencing feature. These cost substantially more than other shock collar types, so it’s only worth considering if containment is a major issue for you.
To operate the feature, you’ll need to bury a thin wire around the perimeter of your home (or the area where you’d like to restrict the animal). Should your pet cross over this invisible line, the collar will trigger a response to shepherd it back inside the safe zone again.
The technology works remarkably well as it doesn’t take long for a dog to figure out where it can and can’t go. The downside, however, is you’ll have to dig (and fill in) a tremendous ditch around the entire perimeter of your home.
Note that as these aren’t classified as shock collars for dogs, we’ve decided not to include any on our list.
Toilet Training
Nobody enjoys cleaning up dog poop from a formerly clean carpeted floor, which is why toilet training is an essential element of dog behavior management.
However, it’s important to note that puppy toilet training, A.K.A housebreaking is best done by establishing a routine and focusing on positive reinforcement.
If you’re struggling to train your puppy to do its business outside, the limited use of a training collar can be appropriate. Do not, however, use the electric shock function during toilet training; this mode should be used strictly as a last resort for severe behavioral issues. Instead, try using the audio or vibration mode on the lowest setting to discourage your pooch from peeing on the floor.
The Different Types of Dog Shock Collars

Dog shock collars come in one of two types: bark sensor collars and remote training collars. Each serves a distinct purpose, which we’ll outline below.
Bark Sensor Collars
Bark sensor collars are specially designed to train your dog not to bark, providing much-needed peace and quiet for you and everyone in the immediate vicinity. Rather than having to personally punish your dog every time it barks, the device will automatically elicit a response when its in-built microphone detects noise above a set decibel rating.
Although the bark sensor collars of old had trouble distinguishing your dog’s bark from others—thus punishing them unjustifiably—newer versions are superb at only responding to your dog’s unique bark.
Remote Training Collars
Bark sensor collars are only effective at discouraging a dog from barking. If you’d like to rectify another issue—aggressive behavior, toilet training, overfeeding, etc.—then a remote training collar is the way to go.
With these, the owner must manually activate the collar through a handheld remote. By doing so mercifully at the correct time, they can use negative reinforcement as a tool to better train their pet.
The Different Modes of an Electronic Training Collar for Dogs
The different modes you have to choose from depends on the specific dog shock collar you purchase. Note that each mode has varying levels of intensity (known in the industry as sensitivity), and it’s best to start on a low setting before working your way up.
Given the electric shock mode must only be used as a last resort, it’s sensible to invest in a collar that includes several less intrusive responses as well.
Vibration Response
A popular and harmless mode found on many dog shock collars is vibration, which causes the collar to vibrate either on command or when the dog barks. Rather than being painful like an electric shock, the pulse is more of a nuisance that annoys the dog.
Audible Response
Another widely used and reasonably humane mode is the audible response, which emits a high pitch frequency to train your dog. Dogs have highly sensitive hearing, so even a small noise at the right frequency will be enough to create a sense of discomfort.
Even at the highest setting, the frequency emitted is inaudible to humans, so you won’t have to worry about a double-whammy—an annoying bark followed by an annoying beep. One thing to keep in mind, however, is any dogs in the immediate vicinity will also find the sound offensive. It’s a bit unfair to use one when your pet is in close contact with other canines.
Citronella Spray Response
Although less popular than other modes, a citronella spray can be an effective way of training a dog, especially for consistent behavioral issues such as barking. The device emits a fine mist of liquid onto the dog’s nose every time it barks, and your pooch should find it irritating enough to serve as sufficient discouragement.
Citronella sprays only release a short burst, so you don’t need to worry about messy cleanups and perpetually soggy snouts. It’s an unobtrusive way to train an animal, which is perfect when you’re worried about hurting your loved one.
Electric Shock Response
The most severe mode is the electric shock, which emits a pulse of electricity onto a series of contact points that startles the dog and discourages it from behaving in the same way. Some manufacturers refer to this procedure as static electricity or electric stimuli to downplay the discomfort it causes.
In reality, even on the lowest setting, the electric shock mode causes a degree of discomfort, especially if emitted frequently. Your dog may even begin to associate the pain with you rather than the behavioral issue you’re hoping to modify, which is counterproductive to the training process.
Safety Considerations When Using a Dog Shock Collar
Dog shock collars are a controversial device that some animal enthusiasts abhor, despite never having used one themselves. Although it’s undeniable the shock mode causes some pain to your pet, the degree of discomfort is entirely dependent on how you configure the settings.
Always opt for a lower setting first and only distribute shocks for major behavioral offenses. As in the human world, the punishment must fit the crime. If you’re consistently shocking your dog on a moderate to high setting, then you’re administering a cruel and undue punishment and should consider adopting another approach.
When fitting the collar, pay close attention to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure the contact points only align with the neck rather than the throat, and that the collar isn’t in danger of coming loose.
It’s also worth noting the dog shock collars of old are far less humane than the later models. This technology has been around since the 60s, and the more recent incarnations are less likely to result in injury than they used to be. Furthermore, we only recommend products that cause minimal pain to your pet.
Finally—and most importantly—only use the shock function as a last resort. Try to resolve the issue first through the vibration, audio, or spray mode before switching to electric.
How to Train Your Dog With a Shock Collar
Dog shock collars are a favorite tool among police trainers and hunters for their ability to provide instant negative reinforcement to shape an animal’s behavioral patterns. And while the device can be equally effective in a domestic setting, it’s crucial to put positive reinforcement first.
The best way to train a dog is by providing rewards such as pats and treats when it’s done the right thing. A canine is far more likely to associate a reward with good behavior than punishment with bad behavior. Overzealous shocking can cause your pet to link you, rather than their behavior, to the punishment, prompting them to act unpredictably or aggressively.
In short, aim to make positive reinforcement the basis of your training regime and use negative reinforcement sparingly to fill in the gaps.
If you’ve still got questions about the dog shock collar, then take a browse through our FAQ.
Do Shock Collars Hurt Your Dog?
If used properly and sparingly, a shock collar won’t cause any long-lasting physical or emotional harm to a dog. The lowest level of the electric shock mode is more of an annoyance than electrocution, while the vibration mode is equivalent to a cellphone buzzing in your pocket.
If used excessively and on the higher settings, however, constant use of the electric shock mode can cause significant discomfort and permanent damage to the tissue in your dog’s neck. Ultimately, it’s the owner’s responsibility to use the device humanely.
Is It Legal to Put a Shock Collar on a Dog?
No American state legislates against the use of shock collars for dogs. Excessive and unreasonable use may be a form of animal cruelty, however, and the onus is on the owner to administer justifiable punishments to their pets.
When Should You Start Using a Dog Shock Collar?
While some manufacturers claim you can begin using a dog shock collar as early as ten weeks, it’s wise to proceed with caution.
Dogs don’t mature emotionally until 6-12 months, and excessive negative reinforcement can lead to anxiety and aggression later in life. If you decide to use a shock collar before the 6-12 month mark, opt for the least invasive vibration setting.
Can Shock Collars Make Dogs More Aggressive?
If used too frequently in an excessively high setting, dog shock collars can have an adverse impact on your four-legged friend’s emotional wellbeing. Overzealous negative reinforcement may cause your dog to become fearful and aggressive, especially if administered too early in its lifespan.
Do Citronella Spray Collars Work?
A study by Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine found citronella spray collars to be the most effective way to combat nuisance barking.
Will a Shock Collar Stop a Dog Fight?
In most situations, yes.
The electric shock will discourage the dog in question from continuing the fight and teach it to refrain from acting violently towards other animals in the future. However, it won’t necessarily stop the other dog from escalating the scuffle.
Do Police Trainers Use Dog Shock Collars?
Both police K-9 units and hunters use dog shock collars to train their animals. The type of training done here is quite different from domestic use.
Shock Collars for Dogs: Final Thoughts
If you’ve made it this far through our guide, you’re now an expert on the effectiveness and ethics of the shock collar for dogs. We’ve covered why you should buy one, the behavioral issues they can correct, the different modes and types, and the essential safety considerations.
All that’s left to do now is revisit our top things to consider and peruse our top 10 shock collars for dogs to find the ideal option for you.
Once your new training collar has arrived in the post, you’ll be able to enjoy the good behavior of your favorite companion for years to come, 100% bark-free.