300 Boy Horse Names for Gallant Geldings and Strapping Stallions

In the past, horses played an important role in the everyday lives of humans. They were used for many different types of work, such as transporting goods, plowing fields, and as a method of travel. They were also valuable in war as cavalry units. For a century, horses brought prosperity to the Plains Indians.
Now, horses are mostly kept as pets because modern technology has displaced them as workers. However, that doesn’t make them any less valuable. Horses bring joy to the lives of many, and is there really anything more valuable than happiness? There’s something special about the bond between human and animal that can’t be replaced by anything else.
Of course, you’re here because you know that and you want to honor that bond by giving your horse a name. We’ve come up with a huge list of names for boy horses in order to help you out.
The names are sorted by category to make it easier for you to find what you’re interested in. Our categories include cute names, food names, funny names, cool names, strong names, color names, and more. We’re certain you’ll be able to find a fantastic name for your gelding or stallion.
Cute Names for Boy Horses
It’s a given that ponies and colts are cute, but we think full-grown horses are adorable as well. Regardless of the horse’s age, it’s a lot of fun to dress up their manes and tails with cute hairstyles like braids. If you think your horse is adorable, then here are some cute names for boy horses that you might like.
- Alfie
- Arnie
- August
- Beau
- Bert
- Blue
- Bobby
- Bowie
- Buddy
- Cooper
- Cosmo
- Ernie
- Finn
- Frankie
- Freddy
- Georgie
- Gus
- Herbert
- Hudson
- Milo
- Nigel
- Niko
- Oliver
- Oscar
- Parker
- Pascal
- Perry
- Peter
- Pierre
- Remy
- Rudy
- Sammy
- Timmy/Timothy
- Toby
- Todd
- Tommy
- Wesley
- Ziggy
Food Names That Will Make Your Mouth Water
Speaking of cute names, for some reason, we humans find food names to be adorable. Of course, there are also some cool-sounding food names like Bourbon and silly ones like Alfredo.
Another thing we love about food names is that they carry a sense of affection. After all, it’s common for humans to use pet names like pumpkin, honey, and cupcake. Whatever your vibe is, you might find the perfect name for your horse in this list of food-inspired names.
- Alfredo
- Apricot
- Beans
- Berry
- Blueberry
- Bourbon
- Butterscotch
- Caramel
- Cherry
- Chowder
- Cinnamon
- Cocoa
- Cookie
- Cream Puff
- Cupcake
- Ginger
- Guava
- Hazelnut
- Honey
- Kiwi
- Latte
- Licorice
- Mango
- Marshmallow
- Marzipan
- Miso
- Mocha
- Mochi
- Muffin
- Nutmeg
- Olive
- Oreo
- Peach
- Peanut
- Pecan
- Pepper
- Pesto
- Pickles
- Pretzel
- Pringle
- Pumpkin
- Ruffles
- Sherbert
- Skittles
- Snickers
- Strawberry
- Strudel
- Toffee
- Twinkie
- Twizzler
Funny Names for Silly Stallions and Goofy Geldings
Horse owners know that these animals can be downright goofy. If your horse tends to be silly (or if you’re the silly one), then you might like some of these funny names.
- Al Capony
- Alimony Pony
- Arnold Schwarze-neigh-ger
- Chuck Horris
- Colt Forty Five
- Dappleganger
- David Hasselhoofs
- Edgar Allen Pony
- Fleabag
- Forrest Jump
- Harry Trotter
- Hoarse
- Hooves
- Jersey Shorse
- Jon Bon Pony
- Leon Trotsky
- Liam Neighson
- Maple Stirrup
- Mount Whinny
- Mr McWhinny
- Neigh Sayer
- Pinto Bean
- Pony Soprano
- Post Stallione
- Ron Neighsly
- Sir Neighs Alot
- Spongebob Horsepants
- Sylvester Stallione
- Tater Trot
- Thanorse
- Usain Colt
- Zee Bruh
Cool Names for Even Cooler Colts
Not everyone considers horses to be cool animals, but we certainly think they are. They’re very strong and can see nearly 360 degrees due to their eyes being on the sides of their head. Whether you think horses are cool or just want a cool-sounding name for your horse, this is the list for you.
- Apache
- Apollo
- Asher
- Beast
- Black Jack
- Blaze
- Bolt
- Challenger
- Champ
- Eclipse
- Flash
- Goliath
- Jace
- Maverick
- Oakley
- Outlaw
- Phantom
- Pharaoh
- Ransom
- Rebel
- Rocky
- Storm
- Thunder
- Trigger
- Trooper
- Universe
- Victory
Strong Names for Stalwart Stallions
We mentioned before that horses are strong but you might be surprised to learn just how strong they are. The strength of a horse will depend on the horse itself, though larger breeds (referred to as draft horses) tend to be among the strongest.
It is possible for a horse to pull up to three times its own weight. This could mean 2,500 pounds or more. If you happen to have a draft horse or simply want to admire your horse’s capabilities with a strong-sounding name, then this list is for you.
- Aiden
- Amell
- Andrew
- Archer
- Ares
- Arnold
- Blake
- Brian
- Buck
- Captain
- Cayden
- Colonel
- Connor
- Dane
- Derrick
- Edward
- Everett
- Garrett
- General
- Griffin
- Jax
- Jet
- Knox
- Leo
- Lex
- Liam
- Major
- Marshal
- Neil
- Owen
- Ranger
- Roman
- Rowan
- Sergeant
- Thanos
- Warden
- Wyatt
- Zane
Names Based on Your Horse’s Coat and Mane
Horses come in many colors and patterns. However, rather than list all of them out, we decided to provide names for the general colors that they come in. For instance, bay and chestnut are both shades of brown. Though dun-colored and Palomino horses have very different mane and tail colors, their bodies are both in the tan or beige category.
- Charcoal
- Crow
- Ebony
- Jet
- Night/Midnight
- Noir
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Raven
- Sable
- Ash
- Cloud
- Dove
- Fog
- Graphite
- Gunmetal
- Iron
- Pebble
- Pepper
- Pewter
- Silver
- Slate
- Sterling
- Alabaster
- Chiffon
- Coconut
- Cotton
- Cream
- Diamond
- Domino (for a horse with black markings)
- Frost
- Ivory
- Lace/Lacey
- Pearl
- Porcelain
- Quartz
- Snow
- Vanilla
- Adobe
- Autumn
- Bronze
- Brunette
- Cedar
- Cider
- Cinnamon
- Clay
- Copper
- Hickory
- Kit Kat
- Penny
- Rust
- Sienna
- Spice
- Syrup
- Tawny
- Umber
- Walnut
- Biscotti
- Blondie
- Brass
- Citrine
- Dandelion
- Dijon
- Dusty
- Fawn
- Granola
- Oats
- Parchment
- Sand Dollar
- Sandy
- Seashell
- Shortbread
- Taupe
- Tortilla
- Tuscan
- Twinkie
- Calico
- Checkers
- Chocolate Chip
- Chroma
- Confetti
- Freckles
- Jasper
- Jigsaw
- Kaleidoscope
- Mosaic
- Patches
- Polka Dot
- Polycolor
- Prisma
- Speckles
- Spot
- Stipple
More Boy Horse Names
Still haven’t found the perfect name for your stallion or gelding? Here are even more names for boy horses that you might like.
- Amigo
- Austin
- Breeze
- Cisco
- Dante
- Deputy
- Gizmo
- Harley
- Hero
- Jasper
- Legacy
- Levi
- Luca
- Marquis
- Monty
- Mustang (did you know mustangs technically aren’t wild?)
- Prince
- Rocky
- Spirit
- Star
- Treasure
- Yankee
Cute Colts, Strong Stallions, and Goofy Geldings
When it comes to naming horses, the sky is the limit. Thanks to the popularity of races like the Kentucky Derby and the naming conventions used for the participating racehorses, nothing is too out there.
Of course, you’re probably not naming a racehorse and it’s fine if you’re looking for something a little less eccentric. There are a number of spectacular names to choose from whether you’re looking for something cute, strong, or goofy.